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The psychology of colours: What colour should you paint your rooms?

Writer's picture: Jakub DvořákJakub Dvořák

If you've ever opened a colour palette, you know that choosing the right colour for any room is actually quite a challenge and can be a bit overwhelming at times. After a while, you stop seeing any difference between colours and the small differences between shades begin to get on your nerves, but it's not just your indecisiveness that makes it almost impossible to choose. This is why we bring you a simple guide on how to choose the ideal colour for any room. We'll tell you which colours are ideal for children's rooms, for example, and which ones are suitable for the kitchen or bathroom.

A colour for every mood

Let's start at the beginning. How is it possible that every colour has a completely different effect on us? We're all probably familiar with the typical labelling - red is aggressive, blue is for boys and pink is for girls; but the associations we form might have different origins.

paint colours

Some of our associations are genetically determined. Mother Nature is always looking out for us and has come up with several ways to warn us of what might be harmful to our health. Think of the deep shade of red on a toadstool - it screams outright that it is poisonous. We could list hundreds of these examples. For some colours, we simply have a natural affinity for their properties.

Other meanings, however, we learn on our own in the course of our lives. Some we pick up from society, which naturally conforms to trends. For example, did you know that blue was once the colour of girls? These associations can change over time. We also associate colours with different experiences and memories. For example, if you used to sleep under a pink blanket at your grandmother's house on holiday, pink will always mean holidays, peacefulness and light-heartedness for you.

The factors that influence our selection

Leaving aside all the previously mentioned psychological factors that form our relationship with colours, the very choice of interior colours is influenced more by physical factors. Colours can generally be divided into warm and cool. Warm ones always make us feel warm and cheerful, evoking emotions in us. This is why they are suitable for social rooms, such as living rooms, kitchens and even children's rooms. Cold colours, on the other hand, tend to calm us down and are suitable for rooms where we want to relax, rest or simply concentrate on ourselves - i.e. bedrooms, bathrooms and even the workroom.

colder colours in living room

Another factor to consider when choosing the ideal colour is how light or rich colour we want to use. This is based on the layout of the room we want to paint. If it is a small room, we will use light colours that will brighten the whole space making it look more spacious. However, we have already written about other ways to visually enlarge a small room. In general, though, neutral and light colours are timeless and will go well with multi-coloured furniture. However, it's always better if you choose your wall colour last, after you've chosen your furniture. This way, you'll harmonise the whole interior and you won't accidentally end up with a sofa colour that doesn't match the walls.

So what do the different colours mean?

If you're still confused about which colour is the right one, let's discuss each colour separately. Maybe we'll guide you and you'll finally be able to choose the right one for your room.

The golden trinity of grey, black and white are the fundamental colours; which are usually combined with other colours. White, however, is an exception, which we will discuss in detail later. Of course, we always use grey and black in combination, but watch out for black! Choose it sensibly, because it optically reduces your space considerably.

Blue is a good one, and it's no different when it comes to choosing the right colour to paint. If you choose a lighter version, that is the colour of calm, which leads to productivity. That's why it's suitable for the bathroom or study. Be careful with dark blue, however, as it can create a certain amount of tension. Royal blue, on the other hand, can be seen as a sign of luxury.

meaning of colours

Purple is a similar case. It is generally considered a luxurious or even extravagant colour. Dark purple is very representative and fits well in social spaces. On the other hand, lavender is suitable for relaxation. You can't go wrong by painting a bedroom lavender, for example. Another calming colour which leads to productivity is green. It is the colour of nature and has such a soothing effect. Green also signals new beginnings. That's why it's excellent for the bedroom or the office.

Colours that have been very popular in recent years are in particular yellow and orange. They are both very energetic, sociable and give us a feeling of warmth. Yellow is also fantastic in that it visually expands and brightens up any space. You can paint the living room, kitchen, children's room or even the dining room yellow and orange.

For a girl's bedroom, pink is a natural choice. But don't be afraid to use it in your own bedroom, for example. This colour of love can calm you down after a day's work.

The only colour to watch out for is red. As well as being the colour of power, it is also the colour of aggression. Therefore, use it only in small amounts, for example in the living room or in a large space where it will seem to fade away.

colour palette

There is no white like white

White is the most versatile colour, which is why most of us rely on it to give our rooms a fresh and clean look. However, you may have found yourself saying, after seemingly simply painting it white, that it's not THE white you imagined. However, you are not really able to tell what you don't like about it. You just know it's not the right colour. Choosing the right white isn't that easy. If you go to a paint store, you'll find that white paint can have a lot of extras depending on the pigment - standard, plus, bonus, polar or pro. Standard paint has little white pigment, which is why it's used in technical interiors like a basement or garage. Shades such as snow scene or silk breeze bring the highest quality results. They look very clean and give more brightness.

white coloured kitchen

If this seems like a lot of unnecessary chemistry and you're getting lost in the mass of information, there's nothing easier than to book a painter and tell him exactly how you want your room to look. At Adam, they believe that getting your room painted should be no harder than calling a cab. With Adam, you choose the date, time and colour from the comfort of your own home. They will take care of the rest and you will have your painting done, before you know it. All this is delivered in the best quality by a professional painter, because Adam has the largest network of verified painters in the country!

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