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Decorative painting techniques

Writer's picture: Jakub DvořákJakub Dvořák

Stuccoing, fronting, stippling, or batik. These words may not tell you anything, but after reading today's article, you will definitely know what they all mean. Today we will focus on decorative room painting techniques.

If you’ve got your own place or just rent an apartment whose owner is lenient when it comes to interior design, you are probably thinking about how to upgrade your décor than if you were in some temporary housing. If you are considering how to liven up your interior so that it is not boring, you may want a more representative living room or a more playful children's room. So let's imagine some alternative ways of painting, you might even go for some of them!


Let's start with a technique that you can handle yourself at home - stippling. Stippling mimics the appearance of some natural materials (such as cork). It fits right into living spaces or bedrooms. However, we recommend partially painting rooms in this technique, as it is the best way to achieve thedesired, eye capturing effect.

What's more, stippling is no science, and you don't need to buy other tools that could later sit around in your garage along with other unnecessary things. Although there are special blunt brushes, you canget the right effect with a sponge, a piece of old rag, or foam.

decorated wall

You’ll need to get your hands on two different colours - one for a lighter background and the other one that you'll stipple. For this method, it is advisable to reach for neutral or pastel colours. Forget about neon green! The process is relatively simple. First, paint the desired wall with a lighter colour and let the foundation dry properly. The great advantage of stippling is the fact that it is suitable for a smooth and structured base. We then take a sponge or cloth, which we squeeze in the water. After that’s done, soak it in paint and start imprinting it on the wall. Watch out - don’t put too much pressure on the sponge, it will clog the pores on the wall. Repeat this process until you are satisfied with the result.


Another common painting technique, namely fronting, works on a similar principle. We are going to start off in the same way as we did for the stippling, and sticking to the same rules. You’ll need two colours of different shades. From these two colours, you will choose one to apply to the wall as a base, once you have done this, let it dry. After it dries, we can start painting the second layer, which can be either darker or lighter (it doesn't matter here compared to stippling), with a paintbrush or roller. For the final touch, we will crumple an old newspaper, and set it on the wall, while it is still wet. When you remove the newspaper, you will see how the bottom and top coat intertwine, creating an eye catching design on the wall.

interior wall

The fronting technique can also be produced by using aluminium foil. Unlike newspapers, however, the colour will not be absorbed by the foil. Therefore, we leave the foil "stuck" to the wall and as the paint starts to dry, we start peeling it off from the bottom.

As with stippling, we recommend partially fronting the walls in one room, as we risk getting tired of the design if we are constantly, and consistently, surrounded by it.


Batik also follows previous techniques. We will apply a different colour to the already dried primer in a different way. As with classic batik, we will need a piece of fabric. However, we will not paint the fabric itself, but rather, use it as a means for painting. We can use any fabric - the more sturdy the fabric, the more interesting the shapes. An old curtain, corduroy, lace, or any piece of old fabric that is lying around your home can be useful. However, make sure that the fabric is made from natural materials.

We place the fabric into a roller, soak it in paint (don't forget to squeeze the excess paint so that it does not run down the wall), and then roll the rag as evenly as possible along the wall from the bottom up or from side to side, along the wall. Make sure that you spread the paint evenly so that you do not have places where there will be an excess or lack of paint. Last but not least, it's easier to have someone help you roll the rag on the wall. Invite your loved ones or friends to an afternoon of fun with fabrics and colours!

white wall


Another way to revive a dull looking part of the wall is by using the veining method (sometimes nicknamed plucking or combing). To some, the final product resembles a cloth. In addition, you can handle this technique yourself. The whole trick is to start digging thin lines into the still-wet paint using hard bristles from a paintbrush. Be careful to scratch the grooves in one go. The dashed lines do not look good.


The last technique, which is also suitable for amateur painters, is the use of templates and patterns. You can create various geometric patterns, whether simple or more complex, with the help of masking tape. In addition, this method is very playful, so if you have children, you can also involve them in the painting. With their help, you can also create a variety of stencils, ready to then print anywhere on the wall, however you like. With this technique, you can decorate, for example, a children's room, which directly encourages playfulness!

In a more sophisticated way, there are templates specially created for painting, which you buy at any of the DIY stores. These templates, or patterns, then have several attachment points to help you follow the pattern on the wall. If you are more skilled, you can try to play with more colours. You will need separate swatches for each colour, but the result will be all the more interesting!

walls with flowers

Venetian and Moroccan stucco

Let’s finish off the article by talking about stucco, or about the imitation of stucco. Respectively about the imitation of stucco. This technique is really for skilled professionals and only a few amateurs dare to try it. If you are still interested in stucco, we recommend leaving it to experts. But what is stucco?

Stuccoing is used in rooms where there are walls of different materials because it can optically unify their appearance. It is suitable for essentially any type of foundation; not only masonry but also concrete panels, plaster, and also chipboard is suitable. The result is a smooth, glossy finish that looks like marble.

We recognize two types, both of which are very luxurious techniques that are suitable for more representative or larger spaces. Venetian stucco, which was used in mediaeval Venice, can also be used in areas with higher humidity, which it can withstand due to its properties. Other features, you are sure to appreciate, include a maintenance-free and washable surface. The appearance and features really resemble marble. The only difference between Venetian stucco and marble is the fact that the stucco has no joints.


Moroccan stucco is very similar to Venetian. However, it is a bit more sophisticated and durable. You can use it in the bathroom or directly in the shower. In the past, it was used in spas. He acquired these qualities since in the end it is still smoothed with stone, which is not the case with Venetian stucco.

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